Saturday, January 9, 2010

Some progress. Or, We have a floor!

Today, me and Mom got some work done on the "nursery". (I will not remove the quotes until it passes as a real nursery. lol)

We got all of the clothes from my shower out of the gift bags and hung up in the closet (except for the onesies that I'll be putting in the dresser. But now I have access to the dresser. lol)

The room looked like it threw up into the hallway when we were done sorting through the bags:

Here are the clothes from the shower all hung up neatly in the closet, with some of my overflow clothes that I have to get into MY closet:

And here are some views of the room. We stacked little things on the media shelf, but some of that stuff will find other homes. We just wanted to get it out of the bags and take inventory, then we'll put everything in its proper place when we get to that point. The stuff in the corner is actually the Pack n Play, swing, and rocker seat boxes with a couple things on top of them, and the empty box from the travel system is still over by the widow, so there's not as much stuff over there as it seems! The dresser is almost completely visible. And yes, you can see the floor!!!!


Lexie's thoughts said...

Cute! I really need to get over & see it!